Blog NEAR Foundation

A Commitment to Communication
The NEAR Foundation has always held transparency as one of its core beliefs. Being open to the community, investors, builders and creators is one of the core tenets of being a Web3 project. But it’s become apparent the Foundation needs to do more. The Foundation hears the frustration from the community, and it wants to […]

Binance Custody Adds $NEAR Token and NEP-141 Standard to its Infrastructure
NEAR Foundation is excited to share its newest integration with Binance Custody, an institutional-grade digital asset custody solution. By supporting the NEP-141 standard, Binance Custody enables any institutional user with $NEAR holdings to make use of their highly secure storage infrastructure. The integration also makes it easier for Binance Custody to provide future support for […]

A Time for Conviction
It’s a tough time to be in Web3 at the moment: war in Europe, crippling inflation, and an increasingly pessimistic outlook over the growth of the global economy. That’s led to a steep contraction of the Web3 ecosystem, both in users and available capital. But for us at the NEAR Foundation, this moment of great […]

NEAR Foundation Launches New AMA Series
The NEAR Foundation realizes there has been an issue with communication to the NEAR ecosystem. We hear you. To that end, NEAR Foundation will host its first AMA on Twitter Spaces next Tuesday, November 1, which will be moderated by Community Team member Marcus Ribeiro. Bring your questions and concerns to Foundation CEO Marieke Flament, […]

Refer-and-Earn 2022 Q2 Report
NEAR’s ever-growing and engaged community is one of the ecosystem’s greatest strengths. Remember the NEAR Foundation Grants team’s Refer-and-Earn bonus scheme? A number of NEAR community members participated in Refer-and-Earn in early 2022, resulting in grants for dozens of exciting projects currently building on the NEAR ecosystem. To demonstrate the power of the NEAR community, […]

NEAR Funding Updates: Funding Beyond Grants
Welcome to the Funding Team Series that highlights important updates about NEAR Foundation’s Grants program, ecosystem and funding strategy. Part 1 will cover funding beyond Grants, Part 2 will reintroduce NEAR Foundation’s Grant Program, and Part 3 will introduce the Grant Team Handbook, to be published in the coming weeks. The NEAR Funding team is […]

NEARCON Highlights
NEARCON 2022 is at full tilt here in the gorgeous city of Lisbon, where the NEAR ecosystem is on full display, with over 2,000 people in attendance. With a distinct carnival atmosphere, NEARCON has been a vibrant, interactive showcase of the ecosystem’s diverse and inspiring talent and creativity. Beyond the myriad of engaging talks and […]

NEAR Foundation Transparency Report
With this report, the NEAR Foundation would like to expand the consistent and frequent communication with the NEAR community, to contribute to the long-term health and viability of the ecosystem. As a result, the Foundation is publishing its first transparency report and committing to quarterly reports moving forward. The purpose of the Foundation, per its […]

A Year on NEAR
A little over a year ago, NEAR held its first conference in Lisbon, Portugal. Fast forward to today and NEAR is back in Portugal, for the next chapter of NEARCON. But things have changed quite a bit in that time. To celebrate the second anniversary of NEARCON, the NEAR Foundation looks back at all the […]